MAN Truck & Bus
The story of the German MAN Group begins more than 250 years ago. MAN Truck delivers trucks for constructional, tractional, distributional and long-distance transport and MAN Bus delivers all kinds of different buses: from city buses, regional buses and touring cars to chassis. All vehicles have one thing in common: they live up to their brand values. By extension of those brand values, MAN Truck and MAN Bus ended up with Merkato, in their search for support in selling the accessories.
By employing the sales configurator, the MAN dealer network can henceforth sell the vehicles under its own flag and in its own look-and-feel. Impossibilities can no longer be sold, because of the software guiding the seller through the trajectory. During this, all the possibilities, versions, options and accessories are being discussed. Previously, the accessories were not often presented, and as a result, they often ended up in the after-sales trajectory. By utilising Merkato, selling dealers are now able to select the right accessories from the continuously updated accessories, as well as to draft quotes based upon the selected vehicle in a split second.
Next to that, Merkato takes care of synchronising the working and installation processes across the entire dealer population, among other things by harmonising the accessories’ installation hours. Finally, the configurator makes sure that the existing sellers’ knowledge be transmitted infallibly to new sellers.